Chapter 6. Q&A
Q1: I want to delete my account.
A1: Delete the datasets and projects you have created. Then you can delete your account from HOME. Data is kept for a maximum of three days on the ADFI servers, but data is completely deleted after that.
Q2: I want to create multiple accounts with the same email address.
A2: Only one account can be registered with a single email address.
Q3: I want to create a different account using the email address for a deleted account.
A3: You can use the same address after the account has been completely deleted from the server.
Q4: I deleted my account by mistake.
A4: If the data is still kept on the server, the account can be recovered by performing a password reset.
Q5: I want to stop monthly billing.
A5: Change the plan for the dataset whose billing you want to stop to free. However, be careful because the dataset will be deleted in 30 days.
Q6: I tried to create an AI model, but learning (or testing) didn’t finish even though a few hours passed.
A6: There is a possibility that learning (or testing) has stopped midway through due to an unexpected problem. Delete the AI model, and then create the AI model again.
Q7: I want to ensure that the created AI model cannot be mistakenly deleted.
A7: By pressing the key icon on the dataset detail screen, you can lock the “Delete AI Model” button or “Re-training” button. The button can be unlocked by pressing the key icon again.
Q8: I want to send requests or problems to the ADFI development team.
A8: On the Account menu of the menu bar, there is a form for contacting the ADFI development team.
Q9: I want to inspect at a higher resolution than 800x800px.
A9: As pre-processing, segment into an arbitrary number of subimages. By creating AI models for the segmented images, you can inspect at higher resolution.
Q10: I want to inspect after performing edge detection or other image processing. A10: As pre-processing, save the results of image processing as image files. Then create an AI model using those images. Perform the same pre-processing when sending the image to the API.